Behind the Scenes: Salt Flats of Utah
Depending on what time of year you venture out onto the Bonneville Salt Flats, you may find it in several different conditions, ranging from flooded to dried out and every stage in between. During our last shoot, we decided to see what we would find at the end of February. Let us take you on a quick, behind the scenes look at our day out on the Flats, brought to you through the lens of traditional film.
The weather report said "Sunny. Temperatures in the low 60's." What we ended up with was a cold, windy, rainy day, but that didn't keep the Pearls by Shari team from creating photography magic out in the desert. The Scamp trailer functioned as a staging area one minute and a prop the next.
As we moved from location to location, the storm clouds began to roll in, and the wind picked up to over 20 miles an hour. Our "sunny, warm day" was growing colder by the minute. But we persevered and captured one final set.
Braving freezing water, wind gusts, and driving rain, our team of photographers and models stuck with it until we got the shot.
As we look back on this shoot and all the challenges that we encountered along the way, (and believe me, there were many!) I'm reminded of everything the world is facing today. The world is facing stark difficulty. It's supposed to be Spring, and yet we are confined indoors striving to battle a seemingly insurmountable situation that has wide spread effects. But just as this cold day can result in something beautiful, so can this global situation.
Look for the beauty that is all around you: in your home, your neighborhood, and in those you are able to influence, even from 6ft. away. Hope, beauty, and life can be found where ever you are if you take the time to look for it.